fibre optic ufo untuk kolam renang dan spa

UFO memiliki kemampuan rekayasa yang kuat dan tim yang berpengetahuan dan merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan di Inggris yang dapat memfabrikasi serat untuk pembuatan lampu fibre optic.

Serat optik UFO dapat digunakan di kolam renang dan spa seperti pada ruang sauna atau steam untuk menambah kesan estetika yang ada. Serat optik UFO terbuat dari beberapa fibre optics yang digulung menjadi satu bagian untuk memperkuat serat optik tersebut sehingga tidak mudah patah seperti yang sering terjadi pada merek lain.

Semua serat optik UFO masih difabrikasi di pabrik mereka sendiri di Skotlandia untuk menjamin kualitas tertinggi.


Glass Fibre Optics Harnesses

Ujung serat menggunakan terminasi model crimp untuk serat optik dengan diameter kecil atau menggunakan ferrule stainless steel untuk yang berdiameter besar. Ferrule juga memudahkan ujung fitting untuk dapat disambungkan ke ujung serat optik.

Untuk serat optik berdiameter besar dengan ujung yang dilengkapi dengan silikon lunak dapat dipesan khusus. Model ini biasa digunakan pada lokasi sempit di mana serat optik harus ditekuk.

Serat optik ini tahan suhu tinggi, tahan UV, memiliki tubuh yang fleksibel, sangat padat dan terbungkus oleh bahan Megolon S540 yang bebas halogen dan tahan terhadap api.


PMMA Fibre Optics Harnesses

Serat optik bahan PMMA yang dapat dibuat dalam dua konfigurasi - satu selongsong atau tanpa selongsong dengan ukuran diameter 0,25 mm, 0,50 mm, 1 mm, 1,5 mm atau 2 mm, atua dengan banyak serat dengan selongsong berukuran 0,75 mm.

Satu untaian serat dapat memberikan titik lampu bersinar dan tidak membutuhkan terminasi, sedangkan model dengan banyak serat biasanya harus diterminasi dengna ferrule untuk memudahkan pemasangan.

Serat optik ini dapat dioperasikan dari suhu -55C hungga 60C pada kelembaban tinggi, tahan UV, memiliki tubuh yang fleksibel, sangat padat dan terbungkus oleh bahan Megolon S540 yang bebas halogen dan tahan terhadap api.


UFO Nova Light Source

High powered RGBW light output and full DMX control make the Nova an LED light source capable of competing with all traditional light source types.

Utilising industry standard DMX to control the unit's colour change effects, plus the option of adding a twinkle wheel and an RF remote control, this is the ultimate light source for powering decorative fibre optic effect lighting.

There are 2 twinkle wheel options available - the standard one which rotates continually and a sensor controlled one which rotates back and forth and has a blank segment to allow for full light output.

A 50,000 hour lamp life and cool quiet running ensure that maintenance costs are reduced to almost nil.


UFO Pulsar Light Source

The UFO Pulsar DMX is a powerful 130W RGBW light source with full integral DMX, 0-10V, 1-10V, manual dimming and RF control making this light source capable of exceeding all expectations.

Utilising industry standard protocols to control the unit's colour change effects, twinkle effects and dimming. This is the ultimate light source for illuminating fibre optic effect lighting when a crisp, controllable RGBW light is required.


UFO Sirius LED Light Source

A very powerful yet efficient fibre optic light source, powered by LED technology, which outputs white light only.

Extremely high power output makes this light source suitable for multiple lighting tasks where traditionally metal halide units have been employed. Almost silent in operation, the Sirius outputs light which is similar to that of a 150W metal halide lamp.

The Sirius has an inbuilt manual dimmer and dimming is also controllable via either DMX or 0-10V.


UFO Sirius Decorative LED Light Source

A very powerful yet efficient fibre optic light source, powered by LED technology, which incorporates decorative effects.

Extremely high power output makes this light source suitable for multiple lighting tasks where traditionally metal halide units have been employed. Almost silent in operation, the Sirius outputs light which is similar to that of a 150W metal halide lamp.

A choice of either a 6 colour colourwheel or a twinkle effect wheel can also be installed, and this offers the same control options as the dimming effects; manual, 0-10V or DMX.

The Sirius has an inbuilt manual dimmer and dimming is also controllable via either DMX or 0-10V.

Vega fibre optics decorative light source

UFO Vega Decorative LED Light Source

The Vega Decorative offers amazing LED brightness for architectural lighting projects and incorporates a decorative effects wheel for colour change or twinkle effects.

With a long lamp life, and very bright white light output, the Vega fits perfectly in situations where tungsten halogen, or even metal halide options would normally be specified.

Very cool and almost silent running combined with a small unit size, make this light source suitable for use in restricted spaces, and when fitted in an IP rated enclosure it can easily be situated outside.